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Philip Eubanks and John D. Schaeffer. A Kind Word for Bullshit: The Problem of Academic Writing.

Eubanks, Philip and John D. Schaeffer. "A Kind Word for Bullshit: The Problem of Academic Writing." CCC 59.3 (2008): 372-388.


The phrase "academic bullshit" presents compositionists with a special dilemma. Because compositionists study, teach, and produce academic writing, they are open to the accusation that they both tolerate and perpetuate academic bullshit. We argue that confronting this problem must begin with a careful definition of "bullshit" and "academic bullshit." In contrast to Harry Frankfurt's checklist method of definition, we examine "bullshit" as a graded category. We suggest that some varieties of academic bullshit may be both unavoidable and beneficial.

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